Open networking begins at 8:15. Start the agenda punctually at 8:30. Visitor Hosts need to be early and set up by 8:15. Encourage members to stand, meet and greet guests and members with an upbeat and positive smile and attitude.
8:30 The Team Leader: “Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning! Please take your seats. Welcome Derry Business Buidlers. Please turn your phones off or to vibrate and during the meeting please refrain from text messaging.”
“At this time, I would like to ask all members that help run this club to please stand.” Introduce by first name and position. “We thank you for what you do to make our club run smoothly. Please be seated.”
8:33 Overview
“Derry Business Builders is a business referral networkgroup that meets on a weekly basis to exchange referrals. We represent the principle of “Give & Receive.” When you give business, you receive business. This translates into thousands of dollars of business being passed every month. “
8:34 Pass the Business Card Book:
“We are going to pass around the Business Card Book. Members, please take the cards that you need and replenish your own business cards if they are needed.” Copies of the business cards are also available on the group website.
“Visitors, thank you for being here! Please pass around a stack of YOUR business cards right now. We are interested in what you do. You may even receive a referral today.”
“Feel free to take any cards OUT of the notebook, but don’t put any of your business cards IN the notebook. That will happen when you become a member.” (This is not necessary to say if your club gives the visitors a stack of everyone’s card when they arrive at sign in.)
8:35 “Now we will have a Networking Success Tip given by the Business Coach”
(3 – 5 minutes. If a special event is scheduled, the Event Planner may need this time.)
8:39 Induction of new Members (If no new members, skip this without pause.)
Have the member that originally invited them stand up also and participate in the induction. Thank them for inviting the new member.
8:43 60-second Presentation Time:
“This is when we stand and present who we are, what we do and what type of referral we’re looking for. We have a Timekeeper that lets us know when 60 seconds is up… When you hear the timer go off. Please sit down.”
“VISITORS… we’re glad that you’re here today. We hope that you like what you see and we would like you to consider becoming a member. Gold Star Clubs are industry exclusive.
That means that there is only one Realtor, one lender, one Chiropractor. When YOU become a member, you LOCK out your competition.”
“You see in front of you some Referral Slips, (HOLD UP A SLIP) as you listen, if you think of someone that you would like to give a referral to, please use this form.”
Start presentations. (If you have more than 20 attendees, the time-keeper should shorten the time to 40-50 seconds.)
8:58 About Reports: “It’s important that you know that we track referrals passed and we track the gross dollar amount of business passed monthly.
Since_________(date)_________, we have passed______________________________.”
Treasurer gives brief accounting of Club funds – first meeting of the month.
8:59 Introduce the Speaker.
9:00 10 Minute Presentation – includes time for questions & answers. (Halfway mark)
9:12 Referral Time – the best part of the meeting!
“This is where you will hear…
“I have a referral … or … I am working on a referral … or thanks…
“I had a 121 with … or … “I would like to commit to do a 121 with .” Also, this is the time to turn in your gross referral dollars.
Visitors, please stand up, and tell us what you liked about the meeting.
If you have visited us more than twice, you’ve used up your privilege for RECEIVING referrals and we hope you will join Derry Business Builers soon.”
9:27 Announcements (Be brief. Watch the time.) Announce next NST. Announce next week’s Presentation Speaker. This is not a time to announce charities, social events or church events.
9:28 Door Prize Drawing (Pull from the yellow slips only and read the “from” line.) 9:29 Team Leader invites:
“Visitors, don’t wait to lock out your competition.
On the application, we ask for two business references. The Membership Team will call them, and ask how long have they known you and would they refer one of their clients to you.
The cost to join free. We do have a monthly membership fee. Currently, the fee is $35/month.
9:30 CLOSE MEETING: “At this time, our meeting has come to an end. I’d like to thank everyone for coming and we look forward to seeing you next week.” Visitors, if you have any questions about joining our club, the dues, or anything else, please ask a member.