There is a Leadership Team that meets monthly to discuss pertinent business.
A Good Team Leader is a personal with upstanding character who understands the goals and objectives of the group and can influence others to do the same.
- Has the right motivation which is to serve the group. They are not seeking leadership for personal feelings of significance or just for the title.
- Is established in their industry but is not so busy that they don’t have the time to lead.
- Has a positive attitude and does not gossip.
- Can be strong, yet tactful. Professional in appearance and presentation.
- Receives referrals and is respected by the members.
- Attends meetings regularly an gets a substitute when they cannot attend a meeting.
Leadership Team Responsibilities:
The leadership teams runs the group meeting according to the agenda, guidelines and policies. It is recommended that all meetings to be open to visitors and the group does not stray from the agenda.
Team Leader selects the team as follows:
Administrator: coordinates all data entry into the website, including the tracking of referrals, referrals dollars, 121’s visitors and attendance.
Treasurer: Keeps accurate records, gives a short report of funds, disburses funds, keeps a checkbook for the group.
Business Coach: Is responsible for a 3-5 minute talk every week called “Networking Success Tips” and promotes good, basic networking skills to each member.
Membership Team: Two or three members are chosen. They are responsible for processing applications and renewals, and encourages members to invite visitors.
Timekeeper: A fun and important job to keep the agenda running smoothly. They will notify the speaker when time is running out an when it is time for questions.
Rosterman: Schedules the speakers.