Sharon Dyson-Demers
Wine Lover and Sharer ShaSha’s Wine ClubBiographical Info
1. Name: Sharon Dyson-Demers
2. Company Name: ShaSha’s Wine Club
3. Industry/Nature of Business: ShaSha’s Wine Club is all about sharing wine
adventures, taking the snootiness out of wine, helping people discover a
variety of wines that they can enjoy with or without food and sharing the
fun of wine.
4. Products/Services Offered: Wine Tastings, Wine Pairings, Wine Parties,
Winecentric Getaways, Wine Tours, Recipes, Wine Guidance, Wine FUN!
5. Service Area: New England, Upstate New York and beyond!
6. How does your business stand apart from others? I don’t know how I stand
apart because I’m not sure there is anyone else doing this. I genuinely love
wine and sharing it with others. I just want people to come play with me! I
love to experiment with food and wine. I’m not a sommelier. I’m not even a
wine expert. I have experienced a lot of wine, done a LOT of wine tasting,
go to wine dinners and on wine-centric vacations. I am familiar with
different styles of wines and am pretty darn good at helping people identify
the kinds of wines they will like (if I do say so myself). I love learning
something new about wine every day and hope people will want to
experience ShaSha’s Wine Club adventures with me! ShaSha’s Wine Club…
join in the fun!
Sharon Dyson-Demers