When I first moved a little over a year ago, my new found insurance agent Amy invited me to a meeting with the Derry Business Builders. Not really knowing anyone in the area, I figured it couldn’t hurt to attend one meeting and check it out. Now, over a year later, I can’t imagine not being a part of this incredible networking group. From my very first meeting, I felt welcomed, comfortable, and supported.

As a travel agent, the past year has been professionally difficult due to COVID-19 nearly shutting down the travel industry. Thanks to this group’s support I’ve not only weathered the storm, but expanded my career by opening my own travel agency. Without them cheering me on and helping spread the word, no one would know my agency existed – the referrals from this group have helped it get off the ground and I’m so thankful for the help!

But this group has not only opened up connections to the best printers, CPAs, payroll experts, finance planners, general contractors, and other professionals in the area, but it has introduced me to some of the most wonderful friends. Just as my business is growing thanks to the Derry Business Builders, so is my social life. From partaking in a weekly wine club with happy hours and tastings to golfing for the first time in my life, my personal life has been more enriched than I could have ever imagined. I highly recommend this group to anyone looking to broaden their horizons in every aspect of their life!